• The Uphill Challenges of CX

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash)   Today's post has been provided by Karl Sharicz, CCXP, the Founder and Principal of CX Partners and ex-boardmember of the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA).   On the cover of the November 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review (HBR) in pink uppercase lettering is the headline
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  • Ways to measure your CX… without having to hire a consultant

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash)   Today’s post is a joint collaboration between myself and Annette Franz. Annette is a recognised customer experience thought leader and board member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association. It was a pleasure and an honour to write with her. There are three main components of any good CX strategy:
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  • ITIL and CX (Part 2 of 2)

    In my previous post, I outlined the history of ITIL, the first four of its guiding principles and how they relate to customer experience. This post contains the final five principles and how they link to the management of CX. The first four principles of ITIL are: - Focus on value,
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  • ITIL and CX (Part 1 of 2)

    Chances are you haven’t heard of ITIL before. In the work I do with IT Helpdesks though it’s very well-known and has been widely adopted by a range of organisations seeking to improve their IT service support and delivery. Here’s the thing I’ve found after studying it: I think it’s
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  • How Commission Based Sales Hurt Customer Service

    (Image courtesy of Pixabay)   Today I’m pleased to share a guest post by Steve DiGioia who is a thought leader in the areas of customer service, leadership, and management.   Don’t hard-sell me.  I don’t like it and I promise you won’t change my mind. Touting the benefits of
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  • Taking Your Customer Data to the Next Level

    Today I'm pleased to share a guest post by Annette Franz, CCXP who is consistently named one of the most active influencers in the world of Customer Experience through her blog, CX Journey.   (Image courtesy of Pixabay)   I'm often asked about the future of customer experience: What does it
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  • Due Recognition

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash)   Those involved in the customer experience profession will no doubt be familiar with the statistics that demonstrate the benefits of customer retention: - It costs 6 times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an old one. (Source: “Understanding Customers” by
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  • Hell Hath No Fury Like A Customer Scorned

    I originally wrote this post as a guest post for the Customer Service Life blog. Click here to read the original. I walked past this vehicle in the street the other day and it got me to thinking about Detractors – how could it not? The owner of this vehicle was clearly so
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  • Customer Loyalty Is A Myth For 99% Of Companies

      I looked up loyalty in Wikipedia this morning. Their definition is: devotion and faithfulness to a cause, country, group, or person. Note the glaring omission from that list? A brand. Loyalty DOES exist for companies. People tattoo the Harley Davidson logo on themselves, the cult of Apple is legend,
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  • Connection Eats Grammar For Lunch

    Today's guest post is by Jeremy Watkin, the Head of Quality at FCR. In it he argues there is one key determinant of customer satisfaction in contact centres that has nothing to do with many of the things Quality Managers traditionally measure.   (Image courtesy of Unsplash)‪ You’ve likely heard the
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