This post first appeared on the ICMI blog in February, 2022. I started my career in my early 20’s working in the residential contact centre of a phone company. I’d just finished a marketing degree and, upon the advice of my father, I entered the business in a customer service capacity.
The pandemic and the resultant time spent working from home whilst societies were in lockdown has made millions of people re-evaluate the psychological contract they have with their employers. They’ve been considering what they’re receiving in return for their time, skills and effort and deciding it’s not equitable. What
Complaint management – the effective handling of customer complaints within an organisation – is a hot topic right now. Go to any online newspaper and search for “customer complaint” and you’ll inevitably find stories on banks, airlines, telco’s, and fast food companies to name but a few. Effective complaint management
Today I'm pleased to share a post by Ashley Wilson. Image courtesy of Unsplash As a business owner, you know that your business provides great value to your customers. However, in a crowded market, new customers won’t always immediately see why they should choose you over your competitor.
The following post is an interview provided to ProProfs in December, 2019. The promise of a delightful customer support experience comes with the responsibility of actually delivering it. Just getting new software onboard does not mean that you already provide a great experience to your customers. There are various things
This post first appeared on CentraCX's blog in March, 2021. Contrary to conventional thought, this phrase never originated as a demand from a customer. It came from London department store owner, Harry Selfridge, in 1909 and was intended to convey to customers that they would receive excellent service at his
“How do you keep the customer front of mind when everybody is working remotely right now?” This was the question that Annette Franz and I tackled on one of our recent calls. Following is a transcript of that call. BM: Let’s start with how you keep the customer
This post first appeared on CentraCX's blog in April, 2021. Image courtesy of Unsplash. We all know someone who is unconditionally in love with a brand; they simply won’t stop talking about their latest purchases and recommend that others buy from them as well. Well over a decade ago, when
I'm pleased to share a guest post by Luis Melo CCXP, author of Technology can manifest itself, or come to life, in a myriad of ways. But when it comes to businesses and their customers, technology often refers to software applications i.e. computer programs designed and programmed to
Image courtesy of Unsplash. A good friend of mine in the CX community is Jeremy Watkin. We met over Twitter about 5 years ago and it's on Twitter where he posts always-interesting CX Questions Of The Day (#CXQOTD if you're on Twitter and want to see some of them).