• Connection Eats Grammar For Lunch

    Today's guest post is by Jeremy Watkin, the Head of Quality at FCR. In it he argues there is one key determinant of customer satisfaction in contact centres that has nothing to do with many of the things Quality Managers traditionally measure.   (Image courtesy of Unsplash)‪ You’ve likely heard the
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  • If you want raving fans, act like a great artist!

    Last week I flew into Sydney for a conference and while I was waiting at the baggage carousel I noticed that not far away from me was a famous Australian singer. She was dressed down and had with her a couple of members of her entourage and I heard her
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  • Standing Tall with Customer Experience

    Today's post has been co-authored by Debbie Szumylo, the Manager, Customer Experience at Thomson Reuters Elite. Follow Debbie on Twitter for a constant stream of great Customer Experience and Customer Service articles: @DebbieSzumylo.   In 2015, Watermark Consulting revisited their landmark study on the stock performance of Customer Experience Leaders and Laggards
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  • The Ultimate Driver of CX Success

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash) Today's post has been written by Scott Bateman, a passionate CX professional who is the General Manager, Business Performance and Growth at Little Real Estate.   I have been working up in Brisbane for the past few months (away from my home in Melbourne) and despite
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  • Ticketing Troubles

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash) “The world needs tickets, it doesn’t need ticketing agencies.” I’m paraphrasing Bill Gates and praying for some sort of disruption in the ticketing business after another terrible experience this morning trying to buy some tickets to an Australian Football League (AFL) match from Ticketek. Today's post
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  • What Sets The Best Customer Experience Companies Apart

    (Image courtesy of Unsplash) My first post for 2016 was written with companies in mind that were starting out on their customer experience journey. I advised them to focus on just one thing: making it easier for their customers to do business with them. Today, I’m writing for those companies that
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  • One Tip For 2016

    It's the beginning of a new year so no doubt you’ve already read a number of posts containing predictions, resolutions and trends for 2016. I know I have (and for what its worth my favourite so far has been the ever-reliable Annette Franz). I’m not going to jump on the
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  • More than a metric: Is this why some people hate Net Promoter Score?

    Today's post was written by Ebenezer Banful, a customer experience practitioner who has worked with many leading brands on culture change and customer experience. Net Promoter has been around now for about 12 years, but in some countries it’s just taking hold, so what will become of NPS in the
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  • The Secret To Making Your CX Initiative A Success

    The difference between your latest CX initiative being a flavour of the month buzzword with little effect and an embedded program that has lasting impact is good change management. Change expert John Kotter defines change management as: “an approach to transition individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state.”
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  • Bad Profits Hurt Business

      “The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer.” - Peter Drucker Not all profits are good profits. A bad profit is earned at the expense of customer relationships. It is one that leaves customers feeling misled, mistreated, railroaded or coerced and as a result resentful of
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